RBRnet 2.0!!


!!!>>>Play with up to 12 players simultaneously<<

evoさん、ebitさん、他みなさん、これやろ〜絶対やろ〜! これ使った対戦イベントやるか〜<まだ試してもないのに大騒ぎ でも今日は遅番なのよね〜

Whats new in v2.0 on 1/4/05?
*Play with up to 12 players simultaneously
*Migrated to DirectPlay8
*Option to choose Tyre type
*Option to choose game executable
*Option to Display Split Time Text Box (same as single player)
*Option to Display name above ghost car
*Option to Display Ahead/Behind Text Box
*Option to Display Ghost Cars (Server Only)
*Option to Allow Setups (Server Only)
*Option to Increment Clock When Paused (Server Only)
*Cheat Protection Options (Server Only)
*Data Compression Options (Server Only) (only applies when ghosts are enabled)
*Data Interval Options (Server Only) (only applies when ghosts are enabled)
*Option to publicly list server (in Server Browser built into Lobby2.0)
*Fixed problem with locked cars (stuck in menu)
*Stage length added to stage list (displayed as metre)
*In-game status menu
*Time Recorder
*'/start' '/stop' '/fstart' commands for server
*Many more features and fixes

Whats new in v2.0 Lobby?
*Built-in server browser (beta)
*Time stamps on all messages
*More slaps
*Sounds enabled by default
*Disabled port test (not needed)