

バージョン番号も変わらないし、Web上にアナウンスはありませんが、私が知る限り現時点で一度はbug fix改版されてファイルが差し替えられています(RBRnet.exe 2005/01/15 17:27→2005/01/15 21:12 作者のDave氏と同席しているときに入れ替えた、と言われました)。古い版をダウンロードしている方は再度ダウンロードしてみた方がよさそうですよ。

追記: さらにもう一回(?)。12:45時点で最新は2005/01/15 21:48付。


- Whats new in v2.1 on 1/15/05?
*Removed version number from file names (problems with future updates)
*Fixed Cheat Protection Issues (now checks CRC on individual files within rbz)
*Fixed all compression options
*Added ability to use password protection
*Added Position indicator
*Added "Waiting" text
*Added ability for everyone to Vote Restart
*Added option to set length of time chat box is displayed ingame (0 = disable)
*Added option to disable ghost car individually
*Added export times to TXT file
*Added weather Icons
*Added auto-select best tyre
*Time recorder now records false starts
*Fixed dead-lock instance bug (rbrnet process never closed after connect error)
*Fixed Tab stops (control interface without mouse!)
*Changed default port to 2005
*Name for ghost cars now fades when near
*Font is set according to system font
*Added '/kick' command for server (usage: /kick [nick])
-- Whats new in v2.1 Lobby?
*Fixed scrollbar for player list
*Fixed a runtime error
*Fixed window resize
*Font is set according to system font
*Topics are displayed